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website summary stats - 2018

Throughout 2018 I continued with the regular news page updates (about 175 posts in total which is hard to believe), I shared a lot of valuable info (at least I think it is) on inner city building practices, comical diatribes against the usual villains, and opinion pieces on current events, from my admittedly biased perspective.  Now we have completed the second year of this site and it is time to review the website stats.

6623 - total page views in 2018, increased %12.5 year over year

807 - highest page views in single month (March)

3140 - most popular content page (news, which happens to be the landing page so not a surprise it is the most frequent viewed)

66.6% - desktop viewership, 28.75% mobile (viewers are a very studious group, you’d expect mobile to be the dominant platform)

2018 is now 'last year', and I'd like to thank everyone who took the time to check out my site, left comments, and emailed or called with special requests.  I find inner city building to be a fascinating topic, and it seems like many others do too. I posted a little less frequently in the latter half of the year, and expect this trend to continue. There isn’t a lot of need to post minor construction update photos as I have done a lot of this over the years and any person can look through the archive of posts to find what they are interested in.

I did get sidetracked with a project specific website for This was a fair bit of effort to set up and took energy to manage away from the page. It was quite successful at attracting eyeballs, in fact it was a tremendous marketing tool in pre-leasing all of the units before it was completed. In 2018 the live33st site received 4113 page views, and in June, the heaviest month for traffic, it had 1089 page views. This is more than the main site has ever had, so quite a surprise. A lot of this traffic was attributable to the rent faster listing that directed tremendous traffic and interest to the site. We learned from this traffic there is a near endless desire for quality new rental accommodation in Killarney, and from the actual build, we learned how it requires an almost superhuman feat to actually get it built and financed as a viable business.

I'll be back at work tomorrow pushing for a productive January to get the Richmond semi-d rolling again, so feel free to stop in and say hi.